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Please read the following quote and think about it before you scroll down the page.

“every man should be ruler over his own household.”

That quote is from the Bible. I’ll tell you where to find it in a moment.
First, I would like you to think about what the quote says . . . Have you heard teaching from books, sermons, and Christian radio that represents this model as God’s Will and Plan for a satisfying, God-honoring, biblical, Christian marriage?



Did you think about the quote?  OK, then click on the link to read the verse in context.

. . . every man should be ruler over his own household”

Now that you have read the verse in context, is it about Christian marriage? What sort of marriage is it about? From the world’s perspective, WHO had all the authority, power, control and WHO had none? How about from God’s perspective? WHO was anointed, appointed, and empowered with spiritual authority “for such a time as this”? Do you see how worldly authority is trivial, and how spiritual authority is powerful – so powerful, that even the gates of hell will not prevail against it! (to read an enlightening commentary on this Biblical account Click Here